How can I make time to read with my child for 20 minutes each day?
Make a set time to read aloud to your child each day, even if it's for 5 minutes.
Make a set time for your child to read on their own. If your child cannot read, they can try reading the pictures, which is how emerging readers begin.
Read during snack time.
Read everything such as signs, food boxes, recipes, magazines, and more!
Keep books by the bed and in the car.
Read while you wait at a restaurant or doctor's appointment.
Listen to stories online. un: Sauganash pw: books
Play reading games, such as Hangman, Brain Quest, etc.
Make a set time for your child to read on their own. If your child cannot read, they can try reading the pictures, which is how emerging readers begin.
Read during snack time.
Read everything such as signs, food boxes, recipes, magazines, and more!
Keep books by the bed and in the car.
Read while you wait at a restaurant or doctor's appointment.
Listen to stories online. un: Sauganash pw: books
Play reading games, such as Hangman, Brain Quest, etc.