Sauganash School Grading Scale for Grades 1 through 8
Chicago Public Schools
Grading Scale for Grades 1-8
A 90 – 100
B 80 – 89
C 70 – 79
D 60 – 69
F 59 and below
Chicago Public Schools
Kindergarten Grading Scale
4 = Exemplary
3 = Proficient
2 = Developing
1 = Beginning
/ = Not Assessed
Click below for an example of the Kindergarten Report Card.
Kindergarten students will be assessed on their habits, attitudes, and skills in reading, writing, math, science, and social studies standards. They will also be assessed on Work Habits, Social Habits, Character Development, and Physical Development.
* Kindergarten students do not receive mid-quarter progress reports.
Kindergarten Report Card Assessments
* How students will be assessed are in parentheses.
Reading Standards: Word Knowledge
- Names 8 colors (Students will be shown 8 colors, and students will orally identify 8 colors.)
- Identifies and matches sounds to symbols (Students will be presented with a letter, and they will say the sound of the letter. )
- Discriminates beginning consonants/vowels (Students will be presented with a picture, and students will say the beginning sound of the word.)
- Recognizes upper and lowercase letters (Students will orally identify upper and lowercase letters from a grid.)
Reading Standards: Fluency
- Expresses ideas and needs in complete sentences (Teacher Observations)
- Begins to read one syllable and high frequency words (Students will orally read sight words from a list.)
Reading Standards: Comprehension
- Recognizes that stories have a beginning, middle, and end (A story will be read to students. Students will draw and dictate the beginning, middle, and end of the story.)
- Distinguishes reality from make-believe (Students will be shown 2 books. Students will orally dictate whether one is real or make-believe.)
- Recognizes and identifies rhyming words (The teacher will read aloud a story and show students the text, Students will orally identify the rhyming words.)
- Demonstrates story comprehension through pictorial or written response (A story will be read to students. Students will draw and dictate their understanding of the story.)
- Retells story in sequence in own words (A story will be read to students. Students will draw and dictate the sequence of the story.)
- Uses prior experience to relate to text-inquiry and study (A story will be read to the class. Students will draw and dictate a self-to-text connection.)
- Makes predictions based on illustration or story content (A story will be read to the class. Students will draw and dictate their prediction.)
Reading Standards: Reading Habits
- Follows words from left to right, top to bottom-text structure (Students will point to the text, identifying where on the page readers begin reading as well as where they continue reading.)
- Selects readings as a recreational activity (Class Observations)
- Listens and responds to stories (Class Observations)
Writing Standards
- Uses writing for communication and expression daily (Writing Samples - To communicate, writings must be legible.)
- Progresses from pretend writing to identifiable words (Writing Samples)
- Uses drawing and writing skills to communicate information for a variety of purposes (Writing Samples)
- Begins to write stories that are focused with a beginning, middle, and ending (Writing Samples)
- Writes text from left to right, top to bottom (Writing Samples)
- Begins to use conventions of print, such as (.,?,!) (Writing Samples)
- Demonstrates understanding of the functions and forms of print, such as signs, letters, newspapers, lists, messages, and menus (Class Observations)
Math Standards
- Counts and orders numbers to 100 (Students will count to 100 orally.)
- Counts and orders objects to 100 (Students will count linking cubes orally.)
- Recognizes numbers and matches them to groups
- Identifies position or location (Students will identify above and below.)
- Recognizes Relationships: location, time, order (Students will dictate 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th.)
- Identifies Shapes (Students will orally identify a circle, triangle, square, rectangle, rhombus (diamond), trapezoid, and hexagon
- Identifies equal and unequal groups (Students will orally identify linking cubes that are equal and unequal.)
- Combines groups/Separates groups (Students will sort colored circles, triangles, squares, and rectangles by color size, shape, and color in one matrix/grid.)
- Tells time to the hour/half hour (Written assessment to the hour and the half-hour)
- Measures and Compares, using non-standard units (Students will use linking cubes to measure an object and orally dictate the length of the object.
- Identifies penny, nickel, dime, and quarter as well as values (Oral Assessment)
- Solves stories/problems that involve addition and subtraction (Written Assessment - The teacher will read aloud stories/problems.)
- Identifies and understands fractional parts: 1/2, 1/3, 1/4 (Oral Assessment - Students will point to pictures.)
- Collects, records, and reads information from a picture graph (Written Assessment - The teacher will read aloud story problems.)
- Recognizes number words through ten (Oral Assessment - Students will read words from a list or flashcards.
Work Habits
- Demonstrates attentive listening (Class Observations)
- Follows Directions (Class Observations)
- Takes part in class activities and discussions (Class Observations)
- Cares for materials (Class Observations)
- Completes assigned tasks (Class Observations & Classwork Documents)
- Completes home assignments (Homework Log/Check-Off List)
- Concentrates on Task at Hand (Class Observations)
- Maintains and practices newly acquired skills (Class Observations of Student Responses, Classwork, and Assessments)
- Comes prepared for work (Class Observations)
Social Habits (Observations)
- exercises self-control
- Makes responsible choices
- Completes self-selected activities
- Accepts Teacher Guidance
- Follows Classroom Routines
- Obeys school rules and regulations
- Plays and works well alone
- Plays and works well with others
- Respects school property and the property of others
- Feels good about self
Character Development (Observations)
- Begins to show courtesy of others
- Begins to share and take turns
- Begins to show kindness and is helpful to others
- Begins to show respect for self and others
- Is responsible and dependable
Health and Safety Habits (Observations) - This will not be assessed. A health teacher must assess Health and Safety Habits.
- Practices good health habits
- Obeys traffic and safety rules
Physical Development (Observations) - Assessed by gym teacher.
- runs, jumps, climbs, hops, pedals and skips (Assessed by gym teacher)
- Uses manipulatives to construct and create
- Uses crayons, pencils, and scissors properly
- Ties shoes and manages buttons, snaps, and zippers
- Dresses self with minimal assistance
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